Scientific Background

Video below is titled "My Mystery Symptoms".


Approximately 40% of people have dry, sensitive skin and cannot tolerate even cosmetics.

Unfortunately, there are few over the counter topical skin products on the market that adequately address skin irritation.

Depending on the health of each person, and for better results, GentleDerm® may be used in combination with any of the dietary supplements available through (see pdf of product list below).


Tetramethoxyflavone (Methoxyluteolin) Benefits

SP and IL-33 together markedly enhance TNF synthesis and secretion from human mast cells mediated by the interaction of their receptors (PDF)

Substance P and IL-33 administered together stimulate a marked secretion of IL-1β from human mast cells,inhibited by methoxyluteolin (PDF)

Tolerability and benefit of a tetramethoxyluteolin-containing skin lotion (PDF)

The novel flavone tetramethoxyluteolin is a potent inhibitor of human mast cells (PDF)

Methoxyluteolin Inhibits Neuropeptide-stimulated Proinflammatory Mediator Release via mTOR Activation from Human Mast Cells (PDF)


Other Ingredient Benefits

Aloe Vera Benefits (PDF)

Chamomile Benefits (PDF)

Honey Skin Benefits (PDF)

Olive Oil Anti-inflammatory Effects (PDF)

Olive Oil Skin Benefits (PDF)

Oregano Benefits (PDF)